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You are viewing 25 articles with the author "Lorant (Softland)"
View all articles (reset filter)How to configure the novaPDF Document tab
Configure title, subject, author, creator and choose viewer application for the generated PDF files.
How to configure the novaPDF Watermarks tab
The Watermarks page of the Printing Preferences window allows you to add image and text watermarks on the generated PDF pages. The images and text can also be modified in the page as the user prefers.
How to configure the novaPDF About tab
The About page of the Printing Preferences contains information about the version and edition you have installed, features of the installed edition and options to register, purchase or contact the support team. You can also manage your licenses within the tab if you have multiple licenses installed.
Java PDF creator (Word OLE) - SDK sample
The Word OLE (Java) SDK sample is a basic Java console application that converts a MS Word document (in this sample the default location for the source document is C:\temp\test.doc) to PDF using Word OLE automation and j-Interop along with novaPDF.
How to configure the novaPDF Email tab
Configure novaPDF to send generated PDF via email. Configure email address and email server details.
Convert RationalPlan projects to PDF
This tutorial explains how to convert projects created with RationalPlan (.mrp, .srp or .xrp) to a PDF document by using novaPDF.
How to configure the novaPDF Graphics tab
Reduce size of PDF file by compressing and down-sampling images and by compressing texts.
Hello World (C#) - SDK sample
Hello World CSharp sample is a simple Windows console application that prints one page with the *novaPDF says Hello World from C#* text to the novaPDF.
It demonstrates the basic use of the INovaPDFOptions interface. The printing job is made using the package "System.Drawing.Printing"
"Language does not correspond to the loaded file" error
"Language does not correspond to the loaded files" is an error that shows in certain situations when the operating system language is not English.
How to configure the novaPDF Signature tab
novaPDF configuration options for digitally sign pdf documents.
Known issues regarding the add-in for Microsoft Visio
Fix for page size and hyperlinks position in Microsoft Visio.
VB Converter - SDK sample
The VB Converter sample demonstrates how to convert an existing file by printing it to novaPDF Printer using the ShellExecute function. It also demonstrates how to set different options and manage profiles in the novaPDF SDK application.
How to integrate novaPDF SDK in your application
This tutorial provides a brief overview of the steps you need to do to integrate novaPDF SDK Developer in your application.
How to configure the novaPDF Fonts tab
Choose which fonts to be embedded or not into PDF files. Embed font subsets.
How to configure the novaPDF Security tab
Protect generated pdf files with a password. Configure the level of protection and restrict certain document permissions.
Hello World VBNet - SDK sample
Sample how to print a *"Hello World"* pdf file from VB.NET using novaPDF Printer.
How to configure the novaPDF Bookmarks tab
Enable and customize the detection of bookmarks in the original document.
Publish presentations created by StarOffice Impress to PDF
StarOffice doesn't have an integrated export to PDF option, thus in order to convert documents created with it (.sxi) to PDFs you need to install a third party PDF converter.
Multiple printers SDK sample
Multiple printers sample is similar with the Temporary printer sample but it uses several threads.
VBNet Converter - SDK sample
This SDK sample shows how to convert an existing file to PDF by using the
function in Visual Basic.How to configure the novaPDF Links tab
Automatic detection of links in text and customize links appearance in resulting PDF file.
Temporary printer SDK sample
Temporary printer sample is similar with Hello World sample but it uses temporary printers. It demonstrates the use of
and DeleteNovaPrinter
.Word OLE VBNet - SDK sample
Sample VBNet app that converts a MS Word document to PDF using OLE Automation.
What to do if some equations (formulas) don't show in the PDF after conversion
Windows 7 (or previous versions) by default does not install some supplemental language files when the main language used for the setup is English. Because of this, some equations/formulas might not show in the PDF file, even if they are displayed in the original document the conversion was started from. So the fact that these equations are not shown in the PDF is more an operating system issue rather than a novaPDF bug.