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You are viewing 12 articles with the author "Lorant (Softland)"
View all articles (reset filter)What to do if novaPDF does not convert some of the Chinese/Japanese characters correctly
Windows 7 (or previous versions) by default does not install some supplemental language files when the main language used for the setup is English. Because of this, if you want to convert a document that contains characters from East Asian languages (such as Chinese, Japanese, Korean or Vietnamese), some of these characters might not be correctly converted. The fact that these characters might not be converted is in fact an operating system issue rather than a novaPDF bug.
What to do if connecting to novaPDF via Citrix thin clients doesn't work
If within the same network you have users connecting to a novaPDF printer from PCs and Citrix thin clients, the users connecting via Citrix might encounter errors such as "You do not have enough rights to make a connection with the printer". This might happen either because the novaPDF printer driver is blocked by Citrix or if the users trying to print via Citrix don't have enough rights to do so.
What PDF versions does novaPDF support and how can I change that?
When creating a PDF file we use a lower PDF version in order to maximize Adobe Reader compatibility, so by default novaPDF will create PDF 1.5 files. Additionally, novaPDF supports pretty much all the PDF versions available starting from 1.4 until the latest version.
What does "Mandatory post-processing operations to the resulting PDF File" mean for novaPDF OEM?
The mandatory post-processing operations to the resulting PDF files is a restriction for novaPDF OEM in order to stop developers from creating a PDF printer driver which would compete directly with our PDF printer driver and also to stop the end-users from simply creating PDF files with printer driver delivered via novaPDF OEM.
[novaPDF SDK] SetDefaultPrinter doesn't work after RestoreDefaultPrinter is called
novaPDF isn't set as the default printer after calling RestoreDefaultPrinter() function.
[novaPDF SDK] - I want to change novaPDF printer option settings, do I need novaPDF SDK for that?
Do I need novaPDF SDK to change printer options? Can I generate pdf files without the notice on the bottom of the pages mentioning novaPDF?
[novaPDF SDK] - If I set an option value via COM, will that be persistent, or will the option be reverted when the program terminates?
If I set an option via COM, that be persistent after the program terminates?
[novaPDF SDK] How to generate a pdf file without the Save As dialog
What settings are needed to disable Save As dialog?
[novaPDF SDK] - Do I have to open or activate a profile before trying to set an option for the printer driver?
Do I need to activate a profile when I need to set its options via COM object?
[novaPDF SDK] - Are printer options related to each other? Do I need to set any option before I can set the Save Folder and Save folder options?
Do I need to set any option before I can set the Save Folder and Save folder options?
How to add/remove a temporary PDF printer each time my application creates the PDF?
Hide novaPDF printer in the list of Printers when printing via novaPDF SDK.
Error: "A program is trying to access email addresses you have stored in outlook. Do you want to allow this?"
"A program is trying to access email addresses you have stored in outlook" error message.